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Church Activities

Please go to our Facebook Page at or use this link. 
Bible Study: Wednesday 10:00am October through April
  • Our Mid-Week Bible group studies the Gospel. Come out and Join us for coffee, tea & great discussions as we grow our friendships along with our faith.
  • Facebook Classic
Women's Group
  • Our women's group, WOC, serves the needs of all people with a focus on the needs of women.
  • We are supporters of local and international mission projects throughout the year and are regular supporters of Camp Oneida, The Cayuga Food Bank and CBOQ's November Mission Month.
Music Ministry
  • Sunday Services reflect hymns we enjoy singing, including old & new hymns & praise songs
  • Our congregation is our choir accompanied by organ, piano, videos and other musicians.
Fellowship Programs
  • At Selkirk Baptist Church, we understand the importance of and encourage good fellowship! Throughout the year we offer a variety of fellowship opportunities to participate in. All are welcome

Selkirk Baptist Church

Selkirk Ontario Canada
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